

Words by Maggie Slepian
The first several days of witnessing my partner, Jeff “Legend” Garmire, on his Colorado Trail record felt celebratory. It was like cheering for a team you knew was going to win. Each time Jeff passed our film crew’s locations, he was ahead of their estimated schedule and appeared almost flawlessly capable, like the compounding miles had no impact on him. The cameramen would report back to me with giddy excitement, tripping over their words and interrupting each other to tell me how strong and unaffected he looked.

As the days wore on and the miles accumulated, the record became less fun to watch. Jeff was slowing down, sometimes so much that the crew would sit for hours in their hidden locations, waiting to catch a few seconds of footage as he crested a ridgeline or gained a switchback. I’d wait in a nearby town with a pit in my stomach as the crew’s tentative return time came and went. Eventually they’d straggle back, each time more somberly. It wasn’t that Jeff was behind the record pace, it was that the crew was now witnessing someone push themselves beyond the limits of what a human body should be doing. To beat the unsupported record, Jeff was hiking for 22 hours at a time, covering more than 50 miles a day.

コロラド・トレイルでFKTを達成したジェフ'レジェンド'ガーミア。Photo by Kevin Fox




全体として、こうした疑問にはほとんど答えがない。一部の研究によると、高成績を残す持久系アスリートは、一般の人々よりも高い精神衛生上の問題を抱えているという。 2016年の報告に よると、ウルトラランナーのサンプル集団は、一般集団よりも高い割合でうつ病や精神障害を経験していた。一般集団は6.7%であったが、調査に回答したウルトラランナーは、うつ病の症状について20%のスクリーニング陽性が報告されている。

エンデュランス界のトップ選手であるロブ・クラーやニッキー・キンボールは、メンタルヘルスとの深い闘いについてオープンにしている。ジェフはメンタルヘルスとの継続的な取り組みについて公表している。ニッキー・キンボールは『Finding Traction』の中で、自身の葛藤について残酷なまでに正直に語り、うつ病がウルトラランニングの達成に向けた燃料であると同時に、最も暗い時期を乗り越えた 理由の ひとつでもあると述べた。Krarrの苦闘は、 2019年のOutsideの 特集でも紹介された。これらのアスリートたちはみな、バックカントリーでの極限のアウトプットを、解放であると同時に、自らに課した苦しみの一種として表現している。

私たちはすでに、アウトドアに出たり運動したりすることが、前向きで回復力のあるメンタルヘルスにとって 重要な要素で あることを知っている。今、私たちが理解しようとしているのは、最もタフで根性があると私たちが認識している人々の経験をより深く掘り下げることである。



Photo by Kyle Tilleman



Photo by Kyle Tilleman


ハイキング・コミュニティで"Socked In " として知られるレベッカ・スペリーは、メンタルヘルスに激しく悩まされていた時期にニューイングランド・ハイキングの挑戦と厳かな美しさを発見し、以来、山で一年中ソロで自分を追い込む厳しい意欲を中心にレクリエーションの存在を築いてきた。



アスリートのメンタルヘルスに関する詳細な研究はまだ比較的限られており、その 結果は一貫していない。話題の多くは個人的な体験談からもたらされ、最近ではメンタルヘルスの闘いに関するオープンな議論も行われている。以前はタブー視されていたアスリートのメンタルヘルスについて、逸話的かつ実証的な研究が増えつつあるが、それは比較的最近の話である。

Elite athletes are looked up to, idolized at a certain level. They embody a fierceness and untouchable quality that sheds the potential for weakness, which has created an aura around them that doesn’t leave space for personality traits and struggles that could be perceived as “weak.”

The ability to push through intense physical challenges isn’t limited to people who have experienced dark periods of mental health, but having fought through those times and come out on the other side can assist in present athletic challenges. “Taking on extreme things is my way of throwing up the middle finger to my panic disorder,” Sperry says. “It’s a way to say ‘you're not going to rule my life anymore.’ ”

Whether it’s a coping mechanism, a predisposition to put themselves through intense challenges, or an ability to “suffer better,” Rebecca believes that ”taking on physical challenges helps athletes process things, gives them something positive to work towards and shows them how strong they are both physically and mentally.”

An endurance event within a specified time frame—an FKT, a single-year redline, an ultramarathon—takes an incredible toll on your body. There is pain and heightened levels of sensation and suffering. But in this suffering, there is also accomplishment, and the entire experience is contained.

“Suffering is a tangible experience in endurance,” says Horton. “Conversely, there are painful experiences in life that don’t have a start and finish, a training plan, mode of operations. Those are the greater struggles of just being a person.”

In their challenges in the mountains, athletes are solving a problem of their own desire and creation. Their singular focus is a drive to reach the finish line, whether it’s crossing off trails in a book, clocking hundreds of miles under a certain time, crossing under a banner at the end of a race.

Endurance athletes are regarded in such a way that their willingness to discuss their experiences means less people feel alone in a struggle experienced by so many. This is just the start of a conversation surrounding the subject, and with more openness from athletes and the trickle-down effect into all tiers of the endurance world, the stigma is letting up.

The more we talk about these things, the less taboo the discussions become, and the more can be understood about the ways people deal with struggles and process their own internal challenges.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)' or text TALK to 741741, the texting hotline.

About the Author
Maggie Slepian is a full-time freelance writer based in Bozeman, Montana. She is the co-founder of BackpackingRoutes.com, and is tentatively planning four thru-hikes for 2021... in the name of website research. Follow her on Instagram here, and find writing clips and contact info at Maggieslepian.com


Hughes L, Leavey G. "Setting the bar: athletes and vulnerability to mental illness.". Br J Psychiatry. (2012)

Doherty S, Hannigan B, Campbell MJ."The Experience of Depression during the Careers of Elite Male Athletes.".フロント・サイコル (2016)

Pearson DG, Craig T. "The great outdoors?自然環境のメンタルヘルス効果を探る」 Front Psychol.

Cook, Joshua J. "The Relationship Between Mental Health and Ultra-Running:A Case Study"ScholarWorks-UARK. (2018)

Buck K, Spittler J, Reed A, Khodaee M. "Psychological Attributes of Ultramarathoners"Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.(2017)


October 30, 2024

写真サムネイル ブログ執筆者




彼女の作品は『Outside Magazine』、『Backpacker Magazine』、『Huffington Post』、『New York Magazine』、『Popular Mechanics』、『REI Co-op Journal』などに掲載されている。クライアントは、オスプレー、マーモット、KOAなどのブランドから、アパラチアン・トレイル・コンサーバンシー、モンタナ・ウィルダネス・アソシエーションまで多岐にわたる。





Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.

John Dicuollo
Public Relations Director at Backbone Media


Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.



Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.
